Pete Ostrom
Great Recruiter this Fall
Jeff Limjoco, PGK
Bill Hechmer, PGK
Thomas Maloney, PGK
Jeff Limjoco, PGK
Steven Amato
Eddie Henderson
Service to the Church - always around
Pete Ostrom
For leading the Nativity setup and take-down
PGK Jeff Limjoco
KCIC Poster and Youth Essay Contest
Joe Gerhart
For running another successful Golf Tournament underpinning our charity efforts for the fraternal year.
PGK Jack Kapp
Leadership of Rosary Program
Lee Gray
PGK Bill Hechmer
Participated in Wrapping Bread from Panera's over the past year and kept track of how much - over 1 ton of bread wrapped from July 2022 to June 2023
Rick Lopez
Thanking Rick for foraging and obtaining a new beverage refrigerator; also his handling the food and drinks for the 37th Anniversary Celebration.
PGK Rick Johnson
Rick organized and ran the Clergy Appreciation Dinner with excellent council and parish participation. He also purchased and distributed prayer books to each First Communicants and Confirmandi this Spring.
PGK Alex Blair
For planning and preparation and then last-minute day change for the PGK Dinner
PGK Jack Kapp
Jack setup and ran the Super Bowl Raffle clearing almost three thousand dollars for charities.
Mark Kilkeary
Mark ran the successful pancake breakfast raising over $400 and also the Free Throw Competition where one young man qualified to compete at the State Level
Mark Heller
Led the transfer, installation and removal of Christmas Lights at the three area ARC Homes. Agreed to chair this activity in future years.
PGK Jeff Limjoco
Jeff ran the Youth Essay and Poster contests as well as the KCIC card and magnet sales. Even with supply chain issues we were able to sell over a dozen boxes and clear money for the council.
Mark Kilkeary
Led council's first Soccer Challenge resulting in two district winners and one state winner.
Robin Poupelle
Robin ran the successful sub sale and made 44% profit even with increasing prices and lack of some materials. Robin also helped out during the Golf Tournament. As chancellor and membership director he assists in our recruiting.
Dave Opatz
Dave has jumped in since becoming a guard this year. He runs the entry/raffle table at our business meetings. He helped at the ministry fair and recruiting after Masses.
PGK Carl Birchard
Answered call to help paint church commons areas on short notice; helps collect and wrap bread every week for Food Pantry; always available to help with council activities
Carl Birchard
PGK Bill Hechmer
Jack Kapp
Carl Birchard
Patrick McKeown
Jim Etzel
Carl Birchard
Jack Kapp
Bill Miller & Tom Zum Brunnen
George Darnell
Bob Richards & Pat McKeown
Joe Marshall
Rick Crete
Joe Gerhart
Thom Harrington
John Keast
Jack Kapp
Can't thank you enough Jack for running the Superbowl Raffle and your continuous support of all Knights events!
Bill Klug
Lee Bennett
DGK Lee is a constant at all Knight's events ensuring all goes off without a hitch. Thank you Br. Lee!
Matthew Shontofski
Just days after making his 1st Degree Matt and his son supported the Knights via the VDoT roadside cleanup. Motivated Knight!
Bob Richard
One word...OKTOBERFEST. Thank you Bob for pulling it all together. Everyone had a great time!
Jack Kapp
Jack took it upon himself to take on the infamous parking lot railing project. He purchased, coordinated and organized the Knights to come out on a beautiful Saturday to accomplish the project. Thank you Jack!
PGK Jerry Michonski
Special thanks to PGK Jerry for his continued coordination and participation wrapping bread for the food pantry. He and the other participant's late Wednesday evenings ensure a consistent supply of breads for the Saturday distribution supporting the needy in our area.
Zuenges Ted
Mike Panlilio
Jeff Werling
PGK Tom Zum Brunnen
Alex Blair
McKeown Pat
Lee Bennett
Rick Picon
Joe Gerhart
Richard Rocha
Joe and Karen Gerhart
Joe and Karen ran our successful 2024 charity golf tournament; hosted a planning meeting this Fall at their home's poolside patio; both also involved in Sacred Heart ministries
PGK Nick and Gail Pellegrino
Joe and Jennifer Gilley
New Council Member - Both Serve the Parish
PGK Pat and Jennifer McKeown
Delicious Gumbo created for Parish Mardi Gras event
Mark and Kathy Kilkeary
Mark and Lynn Heller
Rick and Ali Picon
Steve and Mary Amato
Rick and Mary Lopez
Whole family involved in Officer Installation
PGK Joe and Suzanne Marshall
PGK Jerry and Giulia Michonski
Led the Bread Wrapping from Panera's each Wednesday night during the past fraternal year - over 1 ton of bread wrapped. Family members helped occasionally.
John and Virginia Keast
John, Virginia and daughter Anna all participated in latest Road Cleanup - a family effort!
Lee and Marie Gray
After joining the council, the Gray family has been active at many council events, including helping at the Clergy Appreciation Dinner and the Road Cleanup. Lee has stepped forward and was elected Deputy Grand Knight for next fraternal year.
PGK Pat and Jennifer McKeown
Champion Gumbo Chefs - 7 gallons consumed by Parish on Meatless Friday in Lent
Rick and Mary Lopez
Since joining the council in December, Rick and Mary have been very active in council activities including the Youth Awards Dinner, Pancake Breakfast, Nativity Setup, Pizza Party, Fraternal Benefits Night and more.
Mark and Lynn Heller
Worked the Pancake Breakfast for the council including cutting up all the fruit served the night prior.
PGK Jeff and Karen Befumo
Hosted the Council Christmas Party, an enjoyable evening for all who attended
PGK Bill and Pam Hechmer
Both supported council and church throughout November. Even when fighting a non-contagious illness, Bill performed as Lector at our Memorial Mass and delivered a short talk at the business meeting and help supply milk for the Pantry. Both wrapped bread during Thanksgiving week.
Steve and Mary Amato
Planned and led an enjoyable and profitable Oktoberfest for the parish in Oktober. Took part in the road cleanup.
Joe and Karen Gerhart
We had another successful Golf Tournament raising 70% more money than planned for. This event was led by our Treasurer, Joe. Karen worked with him throughout and especially on game day to make this our most successful tourney.
Steve and Mary Amato
Steve and Mary are involved in several volunteer organizations. They organized and led the council hike. They also put forward ideas on how to have a successful Oktoberfest.
Nick and Gail Pellegrino
Jumped enthusiastically into DGK / Program Director Position; Catered Officer Installation; Involved in other Parish activities.
PGK Tom and Dixie Zum Brunnen
John and Sue Malich
John Damato
PGK Tom and Dixie Zum Brunnen
PGK Rick and Paula Crete
Joe and Suzanne Marshall
Steve and EJ Cochran Family
Joe Gerhart Family
John Keast Family
John Keast Family
PGK Tony and Molly Bado
Bryan Roberts
Gordon R. Tassi Family
Worthy DGK Lee Bennett nominated the Tassi family for their continued support of the coffee and donut ministry after the 12:15 Mass. Thank you!
Marsh Family
Damato Family
Limjoco Family
Avid family participation in Knight's events. Most recently putting up Christmas lights at a Virginia ARC house. Arc of Northern Virginia- Is a local affiliate of the largest non-profit organization supporting thousands of people and families living with cognitive, intellectual, and developmental disabilities. Each year the council brings some Christmas joy to one of the local homes by putting up Christmas Lights on the doorway and bushes. They are always there to support Knight's charities and events. This is not the only event the Limjoco's support and are worthy of this recognition.
Joe and Suzanne Marshall
Thank you for hosting the annual pizza social! Nothing better than handmade!
Rick & Suzanne Johnson Family
Special thanks for the Johnson Family who went above and beyond to support the September Football Sub Sale! Thank you all!
Joe and Karen Gerhart
Joe and Karen and children are involved in and participate in Knights as well as parish activities. Joe actively participates in all Knights events. Recent events were the sub sale, family cornhole tournament (bean bag toss) (sadly rained out), and parking lot safety stair rail installation. Joe also is head coach for the
parish CYO boys basketball team. He actively supports outside youth organizations as a youth football coach and treasurer for the youth football league. You will find Joe and his family at Mass each weekend. A great family deserving of this recognition.
PGK Doug Blair Family
Thank you to the entire Blair family / friends for their support of all Knight's events, not only in July, but throughout the year.
PGK Tony Bado Family
Thank you for hosting the end of fraternal year family picnic!
John Damato Family
PGK Bryan Roberts Family
PGK Bill Miller Family
The Picon Family
John Damato and Family
PGK Bryan Roberts Family
Joe Marshall Family
PGK Bill Miller Family